October 30, 2018

Work, unhealthy lifestyle, and pollution can actually give a significant effect to our health condition. In a modern and fast moving life, oral medicine is the only choice we have whenever our bodies show any symptoms of health disorder. But, is that the only choice?

Introducing Lyapko Applicator Rug

LYAPKO APPLICATOR RUG is ACUPUNCTURE RUG health-improvement tool made in several forms of use which are plates, rollers, and also belts applicators. This tool consists of metals that are necessary for the human body including zinc, copper, nickel, iron, and also silver. The way this tool affect our body is through mechanical stimulation from the rug’s needle.

LYAPKO RUG is designed by a well-known reflexologist in Ukraine, Lyapko N.G., who intended the tool to be widely used in therapy. The expectation is that this ACUPUNCTURE RUG will help people in preventing many different illnesses and pathological states.

How does it Work?

The main principle of LYAPKO RUG is to fight hypodynamia (a condition where human lacks of movement) which happens in modern lives. By applying it to our body, the necessary metals in the tool will create an elective microelectrophoresis, which is good for health.

By using this ACUPUNCTURE RUG, people can compensate themselves from the lack of movement. It will stimulate our body to gain its own health and prevent any negative effects caused by hypodynamia.

How to Use Lyapko Applicator Rug?

1. Determine Zones of Stimulation

The zone in which you can apply the rug is the zone that causes you pain. Locate your pain really well by lying on the plate rug and feel where the pain is. Once you find it, use your roller to apply the rug in that special region of pain.

However, some pain needs to avoid physical contact with Lyapko applicator rug. If this thing happens, you can stimulate the opposite area (if the pain is on the right do it on the left). The symmetrical zone therapy will give the same effect as if the stimulation is applied to the pain zone.

2. The Effect

Once you stimulate the right zone using LYAPKO APPLICATOR RUG, you will feel a therapeutic effect that consists of discomfort and pricking. That particular effect will turn into a great sensation of powerful warmth and a relaxing vibration. If the therapy is successful, there will be a feeling of drowsiness and general relaxation turning into healthy sound sleep.

3. The Duration

The duration of the therapy will depend on the health disorder you have such as increased blood pressure, irritability, insomnia, and also agitation. It is highly recommended that you use lyapko applicator rug for 15-30 minutes in order to take the good effect. Use this acupuncture rug every day to get the whole effect of this therapy.
Now available in the USA, Lyapko rug is your answer to many health problems. There is no need to visit doctors or to limit your activity because your body demands rest. You can keep your daily activity or hang out with friends without any concern to your health problem and illness ever again.

Buy Lyapko Applicator Rug here.

Lyapko acupressure device, applicator and other acupressure tools
